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Illustration for news: The results of the Third Pacific School-Conference are summarised

The results of the Third Pacific School-Conference are summarised

The III International Pacific School-Conference on Experimental Economics was held on 19-27 September in Vladivostok at the Far Eastern Federal University.

Illustration for news: Faculty of Economic Sciences Welcomes New Partner Universities from Ghana

Faculty of Economic Sciences Welcomes New Partner Universities from Ghana

HSE University Faculty of Economic Sciences took an active part in International Partners’ Week, just finished at HSE. The week was attended by representatives of 23 countries, including the new partners of the Faculty of Economic Sciences - the University of Cape Coast and the University of Ghana. One of the purposes of the visit of representatives of Ghanaian universities was to sign the MOU’s with HSE University. Agreements will enable academic and cultural cooperation between universities, as well as establish academic exchanges.

Illustration for news: How Universities Create an International Environment to Cultivate Talent and Support Foreign Students

How Universities Create an International Environment to Cultivate Talent and Support Foreign Students

Studying at a foreign university has distinct advantages for one's career trajectory, alongside invaluable experience and an expanded array of opportunities. However, students may face considerable stress due to immersion in a different cultural setting and encounter new, sometimes unforeseen, challenges. The session 'Creating an International Environment as a Keystone to Cultivate Talent', hosted by HSE University as part of International Partners' Week, featured discussions by experts and representatives from top universities on how universities assist foreign students in adapting and discovering opportunities for self-actualisation.

Congratulations to Yulia Veselova on defending her doctoral dissertation at Maastricht University

We cordially congratulate Yulia Aleksandrovna Veselova, Senior Researcher at the International Center for Analysis and Decision Selection, on the successful defense of her dissertation on September 18, 2023 and the awarding of a Ph.D. degree at the University of Maastricht on the topic "Information, Interaction and Manipulation in Voting" (Information, Interaction and Manipulation in Voting).

Illustration for news: HSE University Launches New Service to Help Students Find Roomates and Accommodation

HSE University Launches New Service to Help Students Find Roomates and Accommodation

The Homeet service is in the testing stage

Illustration for news: Contest to Predict 2023 Nobel Prize Winners in Economics

Contest to Predict 2023 Nobel Prize Winners in Economics

The Faculty of Economic Sciences announces its annual contest to predict the winners of the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel in 2023. Participants can name up to three candidates.

Illustration for news: International Partners’ Week 2023 Begins at HSE University-Moscow

International Partners’ Week 2023 Begins at HSE University-Moscow

Representatives of 23 countries have gathered in Moscow for International Partners’ Week at HSE University. The participants will discuss pressing issues related to cooperation, sign agreements on research and student exchanges, and take part in the Educational Forum of the Greater Eurasian Partnership, which is being held as part of Russia’s chairship of the EAEU.

Illustration for news: University Exchange Fair to Take Place at Pokrovka on September 27

University Exchange Fair to Take Place at Pokrovka on September 27

The fair has been organised as part of the traditional International Partners’ Week

Illustration for news: Faculty Presented at the China-Russia Symposium on Probability Theory

Faculty Presented at the China-Russia Symposium on Probability Theory

China-Russia Symposium on Probability Theory was held in Beijing at the end of August. Faculty of Economic Sciences' associate professors Vladimir Panov and Jean-François Jabir gave presentations and research assistant Ekaterina Morozova participated. Symposium brought together leading experts in probability theory from Russia and China. The latest achievements in the field of probability theory and its applications in economics, finance, insurance and other fields were presented at the Symposium.

Illustration for news: International Students Meet the Faculty of Economic Sciences and HSE University Leadership

International Students Meet the Faculty of Economic Sciences and HSE University Leadership

Masters students at the Faculty of Economic Sciences met the faculty Dean, Professor Pekarski, HSE Director for Internationalization Dr. Kisel, vice-dean Liudmila Zasimova and other staff on September 12. Meeting was organized by the Faculty of Economic Sciences International Office to introduce the staff and students, as well as students of various programs to each other