HSE Enters ARWU Ranking for the First Time
The Higher School of Economics has entered the Shanghai Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) for the first time. The ranking is known for its strict selection criteria. This year, 12 Russian universities, including 10 participants of Project 5-100, entered the ranking. Until 2016, only 2 representatives of Russia were included- MSU and St. Petersburg State University.
Summer Mathematics Programme Tailored to Students’ Research Interests
The HSE Summer University is off to a strong start this year, and one of its programmes – the Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) in Mathematics – has already been met with considerable enthusiasm by participating students. Designed for undergraduate students majoring in Mathematics or related areas, participants work on research projects under the supervision of distinguished mathematicians.
HSE University Welcomes Delegation from National Economics University, Hanoi
On July 2 — 3, HSE University hosted a delegation from the National Economics University (Hanoi, Vietnam) in Moscow and St. Petersburg. HSE and NEU signed a cooperation agreement, which covers a range of areas, including the development of academic exchange programmes for students and staff, joint research projects, as well as joint cultural and recruiting events.
Prep Year Graduates Ready to Make a Start
On July 12, HSE officially congratulated the graduates of the 2018 Preparatory Year programme. The 10-month intensive course, which was introduced at HSE in 2015, is designed for international students with little or no knowledge of Russian who wish to undertake Russian-taught full-degree programmes. The curriculum focuses on basic language skills (reading, listening, speaking, and writing) and students are able to study in their chosen academic field (humanities, economics, or engineering). This year, young graduates from 40 different countries attended the ceremony, where they were congratulated by their teachers, friends and families.
HSE Joins ARWU Top-100 in Two Subject Areas
The Higher School of Economics (HSE) has entered the Top-100 in Sociology and Mathematics of the Shanghai Ranking. It is also now the leader on this ranking among Russian universities in Economics, Political Science and Management.
Summer University Begins at HSE
In its fifth year already, the HSE Summer University was officially opened on June 20th by Vice Rector, Ivan Prostakov. Over the next 8 weeks, HSE will provide almost 200 students, PhD candidates, postdocs and professionals from all around the world with the opportunity to enhance their knowledge in a wide range of fields. Many of the courses, all of which are taught in English, focus on areas such as politics, history, economics, and Russian and Eurasian cultures.
HSE Among Top 40 in QS Young University Ranking
The Higher School of Economics ranked 38th in the QS ranking of young universities, up from 48th last year.
HSE Enters Top 35 in THE Emerging Economies Rankings
The Higher School of Economics has climbed to 32nd place in the Times Higher Education Emerging Economies Rankings, improving its previous position by 16 places.
HSE among the World’s Top 200 Most International Universities
The Higher School of Economics has been ranked 162nd in a new ranking of the world’s most international universities compiled by Times Higher Education.
‘Everything Was New and Amazing Here in Russia’
A group of 37 students from The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology visited HSE’s Faculty of Economic Sciences in January 2018. The visit was part of a study trip to Russia organized by HKUST Global Business Program. The students visited Dobrolyubov Public Library, New Economic School, SKOLKOVO School of Management, as well as offices of Novartis Pharma, Yandex, and Moscow Stock Exchange. At HSE they met with Russian and international students who told them about the university and introduced them to Russian culture and traditions, dispelling some of the most popular myths about Russia.