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Tag "professors"

Illustration for news: Congratulations to Mariya Teteryatnikova with her tenure!

Congratulations to Mariya Teteryatnikova with her tenure!

The Department of Theoretical Economics is very pleased to congratulate Assistant Professor Maria Teteryatnikova with getting tenured position at the HSE!

Illustration for news: ‘Frontiers of Macroeconomical Research’ Presented at ILMA Workshop 2021

‘Frontiers of Macroeconomical Research’ Presented at ILMA Workshop 2021

On October 15, the International Laboratory for Macroeconomic Analysis at HSE university held the international workshop ‘Frontiers of Macroeconomical Research’ for the third time. This year, it brought together economic scientists from the UK, Italy, France, Spain, Belgium, and Canada.

Illustration for news: Guess the Nobel Prize Winner in Economic Sciences!

Guess the Nobel Prize Winner in Economic Sciences!

The HSE Faculty of Economic Sciences invites you to guess the Nobel Prize winners in economics.

Illustration for news: Paper of Eren Arbatli in European Economic Review

Paper of Eren Arbatli in European Economic Review

Illustration for news: Welcome aboard!

Welcome aboard!

Faculty of Economic Sciences is proud to welcome Dr.James Tremewan, new Assistant Professor of the Department of Theoretical Economics, hired by the faculty under HSE University international recruitment procedure.

Illustration for news: How Income and Political Preferences Affect Attitudes towards Quarantine and Vaccination

How Income and Political Preferences Affect Attitudes towards Quarantine and Vaccination

In a webinar for the Faculty of Economic Sciences, Professor Konstantin Sonin talked about the impact of income, social status and political beliefs on mask-wearing compliance, social distancing and willingness to get vaccinated.

Illustration for news: 'I go above and beyond to help the internationally hired faculty'

'I go above and beyond to help the internationally hired faculty'

HSE University is more than just an outstanding University, but a unique environment, comprised of impressive communication, friendships and driven purpose. Disa Malbakhova, Department of Theoretical Economics  manager and the Faculty of Economic Sciences International office International Recruitment Coordinator,  illustrates her role at HSE University and the passion and love she has for her work.

Illustration for news: Paper of Mariya Teteryatnikova in American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics

Paper of Mariya Teteryatnikova in American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics

Congratulations  to Mariya Teteryatnikova, Assistant professor of the Department of Theoretical Economics, on the publication of her paper "Income Differences, Productivity and Input-Output Networks" in the top-field journal "American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics"

Illustration for news: Paper of Alexander Tarasov in Economics Letters

Paper of Alexander Tarasov in Economics Letters

Paper of Alexander Tarasov, Head of the Department of Theoretical Economics, Associate Professor, Ph.D in Economics Letters "On equilibrium in monopolistic competition with endogenous labor"

Illustration for news: Paper of Aleksei Smirnov in American Economic Journal: Microeconomics

Paper of Aleksei Smirnov in American Economic Journal: Microeconomics

Congratulations to Aleksei Smirnov, Assistant professor of the Department of Theoretical Economics, on the publication of his paper "Bad News Turned Good: Reversal under Censorship" in American Economic Journal: Microeconomics.