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109028, Москва,
Покровский бульвар, дом 11, каб. Т-614
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почта: fes@hse.ru
Федорова Е. А., Лазарев М., Балычев С. и др.
М.: КноРус, 2025.
Panova A., Matveeva N., Sterligov I.
Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology. 2025.
In bk.: Advances in Computer Graphics: 41st Computer Graphics International Conference, CGI 2024, Geneva, Switzerland, July 1–5, 2024, Proceedings, Part III. Vol. 15340. Springer, 2025. P. 323-335.
Quantitative Finance > Risk Management. q-fin.RM. arXiv, 2025
109028, Москва,
Покровский бульвар, дом 11, каб. Т-614
(проезд: м. Тургеневская/Чистые пруды, Китай-город, Курская/Чкаловская)
тел: (495) 628-83-68
почта: fes@hse.ru
Краткая аннотация доклада:
Reform of the voting rules which are at the heart of the governance of the IMF and World Bank (the Bretton Woods Institutions or BWIs) is the concern of this paper. We will confine our analysis to the IMF only because the World Bank uses a voting system that is very similar indeed, and also the IMF is the senior institution, for example, membership of the WB being contingent on membership of the IMF. While there are minor differences in details, for example, the relative voting weights of individual countries differ, as percentages, the We seek to consider the existing rules and proposals for change in terms of three principles that we suggest ought to be fundamental: simplicity, transparency and democratic legitimacy. By simplicity we mean that the rules are easy to understand. The voting system should make sense in terms of the purposes of the BWI and How easy are they to understand? Transparency: Do they mean what they appear to mean? We specifically focus on voting power. Democratic legitimacy: can they be justified in a world of representative democracy? How can we reconcile weighted voting with democracy?
Руководители семинара: д.т.н., проф. Алескеров Фуад Тагиевич, д.т.н., проф. Подиновский Владислав Владимирович.
Соруководитель семинара - д.т.н., проф. Миркин Борис Григорьевич.