DeCAn lab organized two events which were held from September 25 to September 28 - a school "Decision making in network context" (September 25-26, 2017) and an international workshop "The 7th Murat Sertel Workshop on Economic Design, Decision, Institutions, and Organization" (September 27-28, 2017). DeCAn faculty took part in organizing and holding these events.
In deciding to join HSE as a post-doc fellow in the Center for Institutional Studies), François Guillemin sought to combine a sense of adventure with a post-doctoral experience that would allow him to continue his research in the field of banking regulation. HSE ended up on the top of his list, and he accepted an offer to start this September.
On July 24, the results of the Best Teachers 2017 competition at HSE were announced, with more than 500 teachers from across the university being recognized by students, 80% of whom voted in this year’s competition. While the financial reward for recognition is certainly attractive, the teachers who won appreciated the support of students, as well as the opportunity to reflect on their careers and what has made them successful.
Every year, the HSE family welcomes representatives of new countries and becomes more interesting and diverse. On June 4, 2017, international students will talk to visitors about their home countries and introduce them to their cultures at The Whole World at HSE festival. To give you a quick pre-festival snapshot of how international HSE is, we’ve brought together ten facts about the university international life for you.
Creation of this anthology was a collective effort. This class has drawn the students closer together; they have become not only friends but soul mates. This project has also enabled each of the students to discover their unexpected talents, which will stay with them well beyond the Joint BAE Program at HSE-NES.
Apparently short story can be a course for economists. Check it yourself if you still doubt it.
Sometimes it is a professor who teaches them. Maria Azanova, junior at the Joint HSE-NES Program in Economics speaks on why she chose to apply to PhD programs in cognitive neuroscience and psychology
His joint paper with Güneş Gökmen (NES) entitled "Minorities and Long-Run Development: Persistence of Armenian and Greek Influence in Turkey" has won the best general interest paper award at the Armenian Economic Association annual conference.
says Kevin Cancellaro to the students at the Joint HSE-NES program in economics.
Kevin Cancellaro, New Economic School, teaches College Writing courses at HSE-NES Joint Program. Here is what he has to say about the program and what students tell about his courses.
Laura Ashley Squires, Director, Writing and Communications Center at New Economic School speaks about her experience with the HSE - NES Joint program in economics