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109028, Москва,
Покровский бульвар, дом 11, каб. Т-614
(проезд: м. Тургеневская/Чистые пруды, Китай-город, Курская/Чкаловская)
тел: (495) 628-83-68
почта: fes@hse.ru
Алексеев А. В., Бессчетнова Е. В., Богачев М. И. и др.
М.: ООО "Ваш формат", 2024.
Научно-исследовательский финансовый институт. Финансовый журнал. 2024. Т. 16. № 5. С. 43-59.
In bk.: Model Theory and Algebra 2024. 2024. P. 87-93.
Economics/EC. WP BRP. Высшая школа экономики, 2024. No. 270/EC/2024.
We relate intermarriage formation to cultural distance between spouses and legal status acquisition motives in the context of a marital matching framework. We empirically estimate the effect of legal status acquisition on gains to intermarriage exploiting registry data on the universe of marriages in Italy and exogenous variation in immigrants' legal status, as determined by the EU enlargement process. Other things equal, access to legal status in Italy reduces the probability of intermarrying with native males by almost two-thirds for females from new EU countries, and similarly for males. Building on this evidence, we develop and structurally estimate a multidimensional equilibrium model of marriage and divorce allowing for trade-offs between cultural distance, legal status, and other socio-economic spouses' characteristics. The results suggest that immigrants are willing to trade off cultural proximity for legal status, and to marry down on other individual traits for that purpose.
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Адрес проведения мероприятия: ул. Шаболовка 26, ком. 3211
Рабочий язык мероприятия: английский
Для прохода внешних участников на территорию факультета необходимо заказать пропуск, написав Мальбаховой Дисе, dmalbakhova@hse.ru