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Acemoglu D., Egorov G., Sonin K.
Social mobility and stability of democracy: Reevaluating de Tocqueville
Quarterly Journal of Economics
Brown M., De Haas R., Sokolov V.
Regional Inflation, Banking Integration and Dollarization
Review of Finance
Dementiev A.
Contracting out public transport services to vertical partnerships
Research in Transportation Economics
Marin D., Schymik J., Tarasov A.
Trade in tasks and the organization of firms
European Economic Review
Enikolopov R., Petrova M., Sonin K.
Social media and corruption
American Economic Journal: Applied Economics
Sorokin C., Zakharov A.
Vote-motivated candidates
Journal of Economic Theory
Obydenkova A.V., Arpino B.
Corruption and Trust in the European Union and National Institutions: Changes over the Great Recession across European States
Journal of Common Market Studies
Kuzmina O., Kuznetsova O.
Operational and financial hedging: Evidence from export and import behavior
Journal of Corporate Finance
Goodhart C.A.E., Peiris M.U., Tsomocos D.P.
Debt, recovery rates and the Greek dilemma
Journal of Financial Stability
Landeo C.M., Nikitin M.
Financially-constrained lawyers: An economic theory of legal disputes
Games and Economic Behavior
Avdasheva S., Golovanova S., Katsoulacos Y.
The Impact of Performance Measurement on the Selection of Enforcement Targets by Competition Authorities: The Russian Experience in an International Context
Public Performance and Management Review
McMahon M., Peiris M.U., Polemarchakis H.
Perils of unconventional monetary policy
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control
l’Haridon O., Vieider F.M., Aycinena D., Bandur A. , Belianin A ., Cingl L., Kothiyal A., Martinsson P.
Off the Charts: Massive Unexplained Heterogeneity in a Global Study of Ambiguity Attitudes
Review of Economics and Statistics
Libman A., Dolgopyatova T., Yakovlev A.
Board Empowerment: What Motivates Board Members of Founder-Owned Companies?
Journal of Management Inquiry
Danilenko T., Demidova O., Signorelli M.
Unemployment Clubs in Russian Regions
Emerging Markets Finance and Trade
Lisin E., Shuvalova D., Volkova I., Strielkowski W.
Sustainable development of regional power systems and the consumption of electric energy
Avdasheva S., Golovanova S., Yusupova G.
Advance freight rate announcements (GRI) in liner shipping: European and Russian regulatory settlements compared
Maritime Economics and Logistics
Fedosova A., Volkova I.
Client orientation of central power generation companies
International Journal of Energy Sector Management
Detkova P., Podkolzina E., Tkachenko A.
Corruption, Centralization and Competition: Evidence from Russian Public Procurement
International Journal of Public Administration
Smirnov A.D.
Stochastic Logistic Model of the Global Financial Leverage
B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics
Shishkin S., Zasimova L.
Adopting new medical technologies in Russian hospitals: what causes inefficiency? (qualitative study)
Health Economics, Policy and Law
Chetverushkin B.N.,
Zlotnik A.A.Zlotnik A., Čiegis R.
A “converse” stability condition is necessary for a compact higher order scheme on non-uniform meshes for the time-dependent Schrödinger equationMcMahon M., Peiris M.U., Polemarchakis H.
Perils of unconventional monetary policyMurtagh F., Orlov M., Mirkin B.
Qualitative Judgement of Research Impact: Domain Taxonomy as a Fundamental Framework for Judgement of the Quality of ResearchHernández C., Junca M., Moreno-Franco H.
A time of ruin constrained optimal dividend problem for spectrally one-sided Lévy processesZinder Y., Lazarev A.A., Musatova E.G., Tarasov I.A.
Scheduling the Two-Way Traffic on a Single-Track Railway with a SidingDerevyankin A.V., Matasov A.I.
Formalizing a Sequential Calibration Scheme for a Strapdown Inertial Navigation SystemVexler B., Zlotnik A., Trautmann P.
On a finite element method for measure-valued optimal control problems governed by the 1D generalized wave equation [Sur une méthode d'éléments finis pour résoudre des problèmes de contrôle optimal régis par l'équation d'onde unidimensionnelle généralisée]Bossy M., Jabir J.-F.
Particle approximation for Lagrangian Stochastic models with specular boundary condition