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Zakharenko R. Nothing else matters: Evolution of preference for social prestige Mathematical Social Sciences |
Lankina T.V., Libman A., Obydenkova A. Appropriation and Subversion: Precommunist Literacy, Communist Party Saturation, and Postcommunist Democratic Outcomes World Politics |
Avdasheva S., Golovanova S., Korneeva D. Distorting effects of competition authority’s performance measurement: the case of Russia International Journal of Public Sector Management |
Afanasyev D.O., Fedorova E.A. The long-term trends on the electricity markets: Comparison of empirical mode and wavelet decompositions Energy Economics |
Fedorova E.A., Korkmazova B.K., Muratov M.A. Spillover effects of the Russian economy: Regional specificity Economy of Region |
Obydenkova A., Nazarov Z., Salahodjaev R. The process of deforestation in weak democracies and the role of Intelligence Environmental Research |
Zakharenko R. The time dimension of parking economics Transportation Research Part B: Methodological |
Gehlbach S., Sonin K., Svolik M.W. Formal Models of Nondemocratic Politics Annual Review of Political Science |
Krishna K., Tarasov A. Affirmative action: One size does not fit all American Economic Journal: Microeconomics |
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Zakharov A.V. The loyalty-competence trade-off in dictatorships and outside options for subordinates Journal of Politics |
Zakharenko R. Self-driving cars will change cities Regional Science and Urban Economics |
Kabanov Y., Kardaras C., Song S. No arbitrage of the first kind and local martingale numéraires Finance and Stochastics |
Fedotenkov I. Ignorance is bliss: Should a pension reform be announced? Economics Letters |
Janssen M., Karamychev V. Spiteful bidding and gaming in combinatorial clock auctions Games and Economic Behavior |
Belenky A.S., Bolkunov D.S. An equilibrium analysis of investment opportunities in a regional electrical grid Energy Systems |
Dementiev A. Strategic partnerships in local public transport Research in Transportation Economics |
Cai J., Fukasawa M., Rosenbaum M., Tankov P. Optimal discretization of hedging strategies with directional views SIAM Journal on Financial Mathematics |
Viktorov I., Abramov A. The state capture of Russian non-bank financial institutions and markets after the 2008 crisis Competition and Change
Maarten C.W. Janssen, Mariya Teteryatnikova Horizontal Product Differentiation: Disclosure and Competition The Journal of Industrial Economics |
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Asaturov K. Time-varying beta of Russian companies Journal of Applied Economic Sciences
Kazun A. Juridical Field or Legal Profession? Comparison of Bourdieusian Theory and Theory of Professionalism for Studies of Legal Community Comparative Sociology |
Yakovlev A., Vyglovsky O., Demidova O., Bashlyk A. Incentives for repeated contracts in public sector: Empirical study of gasoline procurement in Russia International Journal of Procurement Management |
Korotaev S., Shkaratan O., Gasiukova E. Some notes on the issue of social stratification in russia: Lifestyle aspect [Mintys apie rusijos socialinę stratifikaciją: Gyvenimo būdo aspektas] Filosofija, Sociologija |