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109028, Moscow
11 Pokrovsky Boulevard,
Room Т-614
Phone: (495) 628-83-68

email: fes@hse.ru 

First Deputy Dean Sergey Merzlyakov
Deputy Dean for Academic Work Elena Pokatovich
Deputy Dean for Research Dmitry A. Veselov
Deputy Dean for International Affairs Liudmila S. Zasimova
Deputy Dean for Undergraduate Studies Elena Burmistrova
A sentiment-based financial stress index for Russia
In press

Shchepeleva M., Stolbov M.

Borsa Istanbul Review. 2025. P. 1-10.

Book chapter
On Multidimensional Dirac–Hestenes Equation in Geometric Algebra

Rumiantseva S., Shirokov D.

In bk.: Advances in Computer Graphics: 41st Computer Graphics International Conference, CGI 2024, Geneva, Switzerland, July 1–5, 2024, Proceedings, Part III. Vol. 15340. Springer, 2025. P. 323-335.

Working paper
Degree of freedom count in linear gauge invariant PDE systems

Lyakhovich S., Piontkovski D.

arxiv.org. Physics. Cornell University, 2025

Tag "Reporting an event" – News

HSE Seminar on Political Economy: Kemal Kivanc Akoz (HSE) about the preemptive and counter offers in games theory

Kemal Kivanc Akoz (HSE) examined usage of preemptive and counter offers in multiagent games with full and partial information.

ICEF Research Seminar by Kiryl Khalmetski (University of Cologne)

On Thursday, Aprill 11 ICEF held the Research Seminar.

HSE Seminar on Political Economy: Eugenia Chernina (HSE) about actual and perceived place in the income distribution

Eugenia Chernina (HSE) explored how far individuals’ perceptions deviate from the true level of inequality and what factors shape the divergence.

‘HSE Is in a Class by Itself.’ Annual HSE International Advisory Committee Meeting Commences

‘HSE Is in a Class by Itself.’ Annual HSE International Advisory Committee Meeting Commences
New faculties, personnel development, internationalisation, and much more – these are all things on the agenda of the annual International Advisory Committee (IAC) meeting currently taking place in Moscow.

FES International Research Seminar with Professor Jérôme Adda, Bocconi University

FES International Research Seminar with Professor Jérôme Adda, Bocconi University
This week the next speaker in the FES International Research Seminar Series was Professor Jérôme Adda, Bocconi University.

HSE Seminar on Political Economy: Gari Walkowitz (Technical University of Munich, Center Digitization.Bavaria) about the Economic Consequences of Moral Hypocrisy

Gari Walkowitz discussed the effectiveness of (apparently) fair procedures - which are under the full control of the agent in situations which entail a conflict of interest and when social pressures to conform are high - and analyzed a specific form of inter-personal deception: moral hypocrisy, i.e., saying one thing (trying to appear moral to others) but doing another (act immorally).

HSE Seminar on Political Economy: Eren Arbatli (HSE) about the Collective Memory and Persistent Party Identification

HSE Seminar on Political Economy: Eren Arbatli (HSE) about the Collective Memory and Persistent Party Identification
Can party loyalty be motivated by social and cultural identities transmitted across generations and collective memory? Eren Arbatli says "yes", analyzing the history of Sasun, a mountainous region of the Ottoman Empire located in Eastern Turkey.

“Best paper award” at EIASM conference

On November 5-6, the 15th EIASM Conference on “Corporate Governance” took place in Brussels. Representatives of more than 15 countries came to the capital of Belgium to present their research projects and discuss new trends in the field of corporate finance.

Autumn school "Current trends in decision-making analysis". Day 3

Today was the third day of the Autumn school 'Current Trends in Decision-making Analysis' organized by the International Laboratory of Decision Choice and Analysis. The invited lecturers included outstanding academics and researchers Itzhak Gilboa, Theocharis Grigoriadis, Michel Grabisch, Gabrielle Demange, Saptarshi Mukherjee, Stefan Napel, Agnieszka Rusinowska, William Thomson, Katarína Cechlárová.

Autumn school "Current trends in decision-making analysis". Day 2

Autumn school "Current trends in decision-making analysis". Day 2
During the second day of the Autumn school on Current Trends in Decision-making Analysis participants heard the presentations by Michel Grabisch, Agnieszka Rusinowska, and William Thomson.