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109028, Moscow
11 Pokrovsky Boulevard,
Room Т-614
Phone: (495) 628-83-68

email: fes@hse.ru 

First Deputy Dean Sergey Merzlyakov
Deputy Dean for Academic Work Elena Pokatovich
Deputy Dean for Research Dmitry A. Veselov
Deputy Dean for International Affairs Liudmila S. Zasimova
Deputy Dean for Undergraduate Studies Elena Burmistrova
Jan 22 – Mar 1
Book chapter
Improving the Credit Risk Assessment Model using Forecasting and Monte Carlo Methods

Sizykh D., Kovalev R., Sizykh N.

In bk.: 2024 17th International Conference on Management of Large-Scale System Development (MLSD). IEEE, 2024. P. 1-5.

Working paper
Scoring and Favoritism in Optimal Procurement Design

Andreyanov P., Krasikov I., Suzdaltsev A.

arxiv.org. Theoretical Economics. Cornell University, 2024


'I go above and beyond to help the internationally hired faculty'

'I go above and beyond to help the internationally hired faculty'
HSE University is more than just an outstanding University, but a unique environment, comprised of impressive communication, friendships and driven purpose. Disa Malbakhova, Department of Theoretical Economics  manager and the Faculty of Economic Sciences International office International Recruitment Coordinator,  illustrates her role at HSE University and the passion and love she has for her work.

‘Our Graduates Will Be Prepared for Several Promising Career Paths’

‘Our Graduates Will Be Prepared for Several Promising Career Paths’
In 2021, the Master of Business Analytics Programme of the Faculty of Economic Sciences will hold its first intake. The programme will be fully implemented online: students will study in English on the Coursera platform. Irina Ivashkovskaya, Tenured Professor at HSE University, Head of the School of Finance and Academic Supervisor of the new Master’s Programme, told the News Service about other features of the Programme, what competencies students will gain, what ‘stakeholder capitalism’ means, and why it is important for a future financier.

‘To Read Such Papers, International Scholars Will Likely Want to Learn Russian’

‘To Read Such Papers, International Scholars Will Likely Want to Learn Russian’
The results of the competition for the best academic and popular science papers in Russian by HSE staff members have been announced. This competition is a new one, organized by the university to celebrate the Year of Science and Technology. 257 applications were submitted, with 35 winners announced in the academic category and 30 in the popular science one. The winners were announced on Alexander Pushkin’s birthday. The organizers plan to make the competition annual, potentially opening it up for all Russian and international researchers writing papers and involved in science communication in Russian.

Congratulations to Our Alumna for the Best Master Thesis Award

Congratulations to Our Alumna for the Best Master Thesis Award
Daria Matvienko, Economics undergraduate program 2018, Economics: Research Program 2020 was awarded the best master thesis in eonomics and finance award.

Congratulations to students and alumni on being accepted to the top ranked universities' PhD programs!

University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, United States
The Faculty of Economic Sciences congratulates students and graduates on entering the most prestigious programs of globally leading universities

When Risks Are Too High: The International Centre of Decision Choice and Analysis on the Outcomes of Its Work

When Risks Are Too High: The International Centre of Decision Choice and Analysis on the Outcomes of Its Work
In the more than 10 years since it was established, the HSE International Centre of Decision Choice and Analysis has travelled a long way from a laboratory to an academic centre of gravity for globally renowned scholars.Fuad Aleskerov, Professor in the HSE Faculty of Economic Sciences and Director of the HSE International Centre of Decision Choice and Analysis, spoke about the evolution of the centre’s team, its research activity, and solving Arctic dilemmas through the use of mathematical models.

‘I Realized That Economics Has Many Different Fields’

‘I Realized That Economics Has Many Different Fields’
Though a native of South Korea, Daeun Han went to school in Moscow, so attending a Russian university and taking classes in Russian did not pose a big challenge for her. She is currently working towards a Bachelor's degree in economics at the Faculty of Economic Sciences at HSE University. As a third-year student, she finds herself getting more and more interested in different aspects of economics.

Summer University to Be Held Online Second Year in a Row

Summer University to Be Held Online Second Year in a Row
International students from all over the world can enroll in HSE University’s summer programme, choosing from a wide range of courses that will be delivered via Zoom from June 20 till August 20, 2021. This year, Summer University is offering new courses, tuition fee discounts, and networking opportunities. Application deadline is May 20, 2021.

Congratulations to Baboucarr Samateh with the admission to full time MBA at NorthEastern D’Amore-McKim!

Baboucarr Samateh in the center, third row
Second year master student of academic program "Strategic Corporate Finance" Baboucarr Samateh was addmitted to  D’Amore-McKim Full-Time MBA with prestigious (and generous) MBA Achievers Scholarship

Intense Curriculum with Many Benefits: HSE University Degree Takes Alum from Moscow and Rotterdam to Brussels

Edoardo Alberti
Strategic Corporate Finance Master’s Programme alumnus Edoardo Alberti (’18) currently works in Brussels, a major energy company. He spoke with HSE News Service about how his studies at HSE University prepared him for a career right after graduation.