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109028, Moscow
11 Pokrovsky Boulevard,
Room Т-614
Phone: (495) 628-83-68

email: fes@hse.ru 

First Deputy Dean Sergey Merzlyakov
Deputy Dean for Academic Work Elena Pokatovich
Deputy Dean for Research Dmitry A. Veselov
Deputy Dean for International Affairs Liudmila S. Zasimova
Deputy Dean for Undergraduate Studies Elena Burmistrova
Jan 22 – Mar 1
Book chapter
Improving the Credit Risk Assessment Model using Forecasting and Monte Carlo Methods

Sizykh D., Kovalev R., Sizykh N.

In bk.: 2024 17th International Conference on Management of Large-Scale System Development (MLSD). IEEE, 2024. P. 1-5.

Working paper
Scoring and Favoritism in Optimal Procurement Design

Andreyanov P., Krasikov I., Suzdaltsev A.

arxiv.org. Theoretical Economics. Cornell University, 2024


Journal of Corporate Finance Research has been accepted for Scopus

HSE University faculty presented at the International Conference in Shanghai

HSE University faculty presented at the International Conference in Shanghai
HSE University faculty presented at the 5th International Conference “The World Economy in the Great Changes 2023”, sponsored by the School of Economics of Shanghai University

Faculty of Economic Sciences Welcomes New Partner Universities from Ghana

Faculty of Economic Sciences Welcomes New Partner Universities from Ghana
HSE University Faculty of Economic Sciences took an active part in International Partners’ Week, just finished at HSE. The week was attended by representatives of 23 countries, including the new partners of the Faculty of Economic Sciences - the University of Cape Coast and the University of Ghana. One of the purposes of the visit of representatives of Ghanaian universities was to sign the MOU’s with HSE University. Agreements will enable academic and cultural cooperation between universities, as well as establish academic exchanges.

Contest to Predict 2023 Nobel Prize Winners in Economics

Philip H. Dybvig at the Nobel Prize Museum
The Faculty of Economic Sciences announces its annual contest to predict the winners of the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel in 2023. Participants can name up to three candidates.

Faculty Presented at the China-Russia Symposium on Probability Theory

Faculty Presented at the China-Russia Symposium on Probability Theory
China-Russia Symposium on Probability Theory was held in Beijing at the end of August. Faculty of Economic Sciences' associate professors Vladimir Panov and Jean-François Jabir gave presentations and research assistant Ekaterina Morozova participated. Symposium brought together leading experts in probability theory from Russia and China. The latest achievements in the field of probability theory and its applications in economics, finance, insurance and other fields were presented at the Symposium.

International Students Meet the Faculty of Economic Sciences and HSE University Leadership

International Students Meet the Faculty of Economic Sciences and HSE University Leadership
Masters students at the Faculty of Economic Sciences met the faculty Dean, Professor Pekarski, HSE Director for Internationalization Dr. Kisel, vice-dean Liudmila Zasimova and other staff on September 12. Meeting was organized by the Faculty of Economic Sciences International Office to introduce the staff and students, as well as students of various programs to each other

Faculty of Economic Sciences Holds Math BootCamps for Those Starting Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees

Faculty of Economic Sciences Holds Math BootCamps for Those Starting Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees
More than 200 future bachelor’s and master’s students from around the world spent the last two weeks of summer improving their mathematical knowledge and honing their problem-solving skills. The free online classes have been held for the fourth year in a row. They allow first-year students not only to succeed in their studies, research, and project activities at HSE University’s Faculty of Economic Sciences (FES), but also to quickly integrate into the international community of students, graduates, and teachers.

‘If I'm Interested in a Research Question, I'm Ready to Work in a New Field’

‘If I'm Interested in a Research Question, I'm Ready to Work in a New Field’
Alexander Tarasov is the Head of the Department of Theoretical Economics at the Faculty of Economic Sciences (FES) and Leading Research Fellow at the Centre for Market Studies and Spatial Economics at HSE University-St Petersburg. In his interview, Alexander talks about the appeal of academia, the challenges that await graduate students, and his research into the impact of railroads on economic growth, affirmative action in university admissions, and much more.

Orientation Sessions for International Students: ‘Being at HSE University Today is a Dream Come True’

Orientation Sessions for International Students: ‘Being at HSE University Today is a Dream Come True’
HSE University’s Support and Career Centre for International Students and Alumni has held orientation sessions for incoming international students. During the meetings, the centre’s experts explained the visa and migration support available, talked about extracurricular student life, and gave tours of the campus and the city.

‘This Internship is a Great Start to an Academic Career’

‘This Internship is a Great Start to an Academic Career’
This year, Angelina Yudina graduated from the Bachelor’s in Business Informatics at HSE University and enrolled in the Master’s in Economics and Economic Policy. She has also worked as a research assistant at the International Centre of Decision Choice and Analysis since May 2021. In her interview, Angelina spoke about her role and responsibilities as a research intern, the personal and professional skills she has developed, and her plans for the future.