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Email: dhm-econ@hse.ru; shatskaya@hse.ru
Aleskerov F. T., Shvydun S., Meshcheryakova N.
CRC Press, 2022.
Belenky A., Fedin G., Kornhauser A.
International Journal of Public Administration. 2021. Vol. 44. No. 13. P. 1076-1089.
In bk.: AIP Conference Proceedings. Vol. 2328: ICMM-2020. AIP Publishing LLC, 2021. Ch. 060001. P. 060001-1-060001-4.
Zlotnik A., Kireeva O.
math. arXiv. Cornell University, 2020. No. arXiv:2011.14104v2[math.NA].
Moderators: Alexei Zakharov (HSE), Konstantin Sonin (HSE, University of Chicago)
21 December 2022; 17:00
the joint seminar of Higher School of Economics on political economy, International Center for the Study of Institutions and Development (ICSID) and NES Center for the Study of Diversity and Social Interaction (NES CSDSI)
Speaker: Arseni Samsonov (The Budapest University of Technology and Economics)
Topic: How can social media limit disinformation?
Political disinformation is dangerous for democracies. Social and government pressure made Facebook and Twitter start labeling posts that contain disinformation. This policy became known as fact-checking. Under which conditions will social media platforms fact-check? I propose a model in which two platforms decide whether to fact-check a politician. One of the platforms is ex-ante more attractive to voters than the other. The politician chooses which platform to use and how often to misrepresent the state of the world if it is bad for her. Fact-checking occurs if the politician has low approval or one of the platforms is highly more attractive than its competitor. Otherwise, neither platform will choose to fact-check. The model’s policy implication is that reducing market power for the dominant social media firm can make fact-checking less likely.
Seminar is held in Zoom (https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83906543673).
Future meetings
December 21 | Arseni Samsonov (The Budapest University of Technology and Economics) How can social media limit disinformation? |
Past Meetings
Fall-Winter-Spring 2021-2022
November 16 | Alexander Yarkin (Brown University) Ancestral Shocks and Political Attitudes of Immigrants: Evidence from the European Refugee Crisis |
September 28 | Georgy Tarasenko (HSE), Alexei Zakharov (HSE) Electronic voting and COVID |
Fall-Winter-Spring 2020-2021
Fall-Winter-Spring 2019-2020
Fall-Winter-Spring 2018-2019
Fall-Winter-Spring 2017-2018
Fall-Winter-Spring 2016-2017
July 20 |
Austin L. Wright (Harris School of Public Policy, The University of Chicago) |
June 06 |
Julian G. Waller (George Washington University & Higher School of Economics) |
May 30 |
Lauren A. McCarthy (University of Massachusetts Amherst) |
May 16 |
Philippe Gagnepain (Paris School of Economics, Université Paris 1-Ecole d’Economie de Paris) |
April 25 |
Maria Snegovaya (Columbia University) The Left Parties Choices and The Emergence of The Radical Right |
April 18 | Denis Ivanov (Higher School of Economics) Do institutions cause social trust? Evidence from an institutional reform |
March 28 | Ekaterina Borisova (Higher School of Economics) Elections, Protest and Trust in Government: A Natural Experiment from Russia |
March 14 | Constantine Sorokin (Higher School of Economics & New Economic School) Distributional comparative statics for auctions and beyond |
February 28 | Noah Buckley (Columbia University and Higher School of Economics) Calculating Corruption: Political Competition and Bribery under Authoritarianism |
February 14 | Michael Rochlitz (Higher School of Economics) Does Independent Media Matter in a Non-Democratic Election? Experimental Evidence from Russia |
February 07 | Inna Zaytseva (Higher School of Economics) The role of social capital in collective action problem: the case of national football teams |
January 31 | Elena Podkolzina (Center for Institutional Studies Higher School of Economics) Corruption perception and competition in public procurement: empirical evidence from Russian regions |
January 19 | Raymond M. Duch (Nuffield College, University of Oxford) Who Cheats: Experimental Evidence from the Lab |
January 17 | Tatyana Mikhailova (RANEPA) Agglomeration effects in Russian manufacturing |
December 13 | Israel Marques (Higher School of Economics) Institutional Quality and Social Policy Preferences |
December 6 | Natalya Naumenko (Northwestern University) Collectivization of Soviet agriculture and 1932-1933 famine |
November 29 | Niall Hughes (Warwick University) How Transparency Kills Information Aggregation: Theory and Experiment |
November 22 | Anna Yurko (Higher School of Economics) Fertility, Maternal Employment and Children's Cognitive Achievement: a Structural Approach |
November 15 | Andrey Shcherbak (Higher School of Economics) The recipe for democracy? Improvement in diet as a structural prerequisite for political change |
November 1 | Thomas Leeper (London School of Economics) If Only Citizens Had a Cue: The Process of Opinion Formation over Time |
October 18 | Denis Ivanov (Higher School of Economics) Bridging or Bonding? Preferences for Redistribution and Social Capital in Russia |
September 29 | Andrew Little (Cornell University) I Don't Know |
September 20 | Galina Besstremyannaya (Lead research fellow, Center for Economic and Financial Research) The adverse effects of incentives regulation in health care http://econpapers.repec.org/paper/cfrcefirw/w0218.htm |
September 13 | Andrea Matranga (New Economic School) All Along the Watchtower: Linear Defenses and the Introduction of Serfdom in Russia |
September 14 | Georgy Artemov (University of Melbourne) Assignment mechanisms: common preferences and information acquisition |
Fall-Winter-Spring 2015
June 28 |
1. Speaker: Jeroen van de Ven (Tinbergen Institute, Amsterdam School of Economics, University of Amsterdam) Topic: "Once a Cheater Always a Cheater? An Experimental Study on the Persistence of Lying " Topic: "Can transparency of information reduce embezzlement? Experimental Evidence from Tanzania" |
June 07 | Student presentations 1. Speaker: Yulia Zhestkova (Higher School of Economics) Topic: "Catch Me if You Can: Election Manipulation in Non-Democracies" 2. Speaker: Ilya Kozis (Higher School of Economics) Topic: "Brain Drain in Non-Democratic Regimes" |
May 31 | Eren Arbatli (Higher School of Economics) Minorities and Long-run Development: Persistence of Armenian and Greek Influence in Turkey |
May 17 | Alexei Zakharov (Higher School of Economics) Valence influence in electoral competition with rank objectives |
April 12 | Alexander Tarasov (Higher School of Economics) Trade and the spatial distribution of transport infrastructure Trade and the spatial distribution of transport infrastructure (PDF, 1014 Kb) |
March 29 | Constantine Sorokin ( Higher School of Economics, New Economic School) Multidimensional free-mobility equilibrium: Tiebout revisited |
March 22 | Roman Zakharenko (Higher School of Economics) Endogenous Growth and Demographic Transition in a model of Cultural Transmission |
March 15 | Alexei V. Zakharov (Higher School of Economics) Eqilibrium taxation under income uncertainty |
March 1 | Ruben Enikolopov (New Economic School) Social Media and Protest Participation: Evidence from Russia |
February 16 | Alexander Yarkin (Higher School of Economics) The Great Divergence Revisited: Industrialization, Inequality and Political Conflict in The Unified Growth Model Veselov, Yarkin (2015, WP) The Great Divergence revisited; industrialization, inequality, and political conflict in the unified growth model |
December 22 | Vasily Rusanov (Higher School of Economics Center for Institutional Studies) Minorities and Business: the Case of Russian Old Believers |
December 8 | Oxana Bondarenko (CEFIR) The Effect of Movies on Pro-social Behavior |
November 24 | Vera Troger (Warwick University) The politics of strategic budgeteering |
November 17 | Kemal Kivanc Akoz (NYU Abu Dhabi) Political Change Driven by a Dissident Elite: The Effect of Rents from Power and Information |
November 10 | Shintaro Miura (Kanagawa University) Manipulated News Model: Electoral Competition and Mass Media |
October 27 | Cengiz Erisen (TOBB University of Economics and Technology) Emotions and Political Participation |
October 22 | Morgane Tanve (University of Lille) Time Allocation on electoral issue(s) |
October 14 | Allan Drazen (Department of Economics, University of Maryland, USA) Kosher Pork |
October 13 | Anja Neundorf (University of Nottingham) Contextual and Individual Determinants of Economic Preferences: Evidence from Panel Data cavaille_neundorf_Oct_2015 Appendix_CavailleNeundorf_Oct2015 |
October 6 | Galina Besstremyannaya (Centre for Economic and Financial Research at New Economic School) The adverse effects of value-based purchasing in health care: dynamic quantile regression with endogeneity http://www-siepr.stanford.edu/repec/sip/14-006.pdf |
September 29 | Fabio Michelucci (CERGE-EI) Electoral Competition with Dynamic Campaign Contributions |
Spring 2015
Fall-Winter 2014
Summer 2014
July 8 | Andrei Gomberg (ITAN) |
Legal Evidence and Rational Inattention | |
June 10 | Chris Stefanadis (University of Piraeus) |
Moral Sentiments: Culture, Rent Seeking, and Property Rights Moral Sentiments: Culture, Rent Seeking, and Property Rights | |
June 3 | Selim Gulesci (Bocconi University) |
For the Love of the Republic – Education, Religion and Empowerment |
Spring 2014
Winter 2014
Fall 2013
Spring 2013
Winter 2013
February 26 | Dmitry Dagaev (Higher School of Economics) | |
Winning by Losing: Incentive Incompatibility in Multiple Qualifiers Presentation The paper is available at http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2225463 | ||
February 19 | Tatyana Mikhaylova (New Economic School) | |
Gulag, WWII and the Long-run Patterns of Soviet City Growth | ||
February 5 | Ben Lind (Higher School of Economics) | |
Contrasting Protest from Mundanity in Communication Networks: Cohesion, Centralization, and the Russian Opposition Movement | ||
December 18 | Natalia Zinovyeva (Institute of Public Goods and Policies, Spanish National Research Council) | |
The Role of Connections in Academic PromotionsPresentation | ||
December 11 | Timothy Frye (Columbia University, Higher School of Economics) | |
Elections, Protest, and Investment: Evidence from a Natural Experiment in Russia | ||
December 4 | Henry Hale (George Washington University) | |
Who Defects First? Panel Survey Evidence on Preference De-Falsification and Change | ||
Fall 2012
Spring 2012
June 5 | Michael M. Bechtel (Center for Comparative and International Studies, ETH Zurich) |
Sharing the Pain: Explaining Public Opinion Towards International Financial Bailouts | |
May 29 | Ora John Reuter (Miami University) |
Political Machines at Work: Voter Mobilization in the Workplace | |
May 17 | Jon X. Eguia (New York University) |
Assimilation and Discrimination | |
April 17 | Regina Smyth (Indiana University) |
Explaining Transitional Representation: The Rise and Fall of Women of Russia | |
April 10 | Alexander Libman (Frankfurt School of Finance & Management, Russian Academy of Sciences) |
Are Human Rights and Economic Well-Being Substitutes? Evidence from Migration Patterns Across the Indian States | |
Febraury 21 | Alexey Zakharov (Higher School of Economics), Ruben Enokolopov (New Economic School) |
Russian legislative elections: fraud and civic control |
Fall 2011
November 29 | Marco Faravelli (University of Queensland) |
Smooth Politicians and Paternalistic Voters: A Theory of Large Elections | |
November 15 | William Bianco (Indiana University) |
Predicting Majority Rule Outcomes: A Critical Test Between The Uncovered Set and the Strong Point | |
November 10 | Ozgur Evren (New Economic School) |
Altruism and Voting: A Large-Turnout Result That Does not Rely on Civic Duty or Cooperative Behavior | |
November 8 | Ozgur Evren (New Economic School) |
Voter Participation | |
October 25 | Anna Rubinchik (University of Haifa) |
Demand For Contract Enforcement in a Barter Economy | |
October 4 | Rinat Menyashev |
"Civic society and the results of parliamentary elections in Russia" Materials (russian version) | |
September 9 | Torun Dewan, Rafael Hortala (London School of Economics) |
"Policy Learning and Elections" |
Spring 2011
April 26 | Todd Kaplan (University of Haifa) |
"Which way to cooperate" | |
April 21 | Christian Bjornskov, Pierre-Cuillaume Meon |
"Trust as the Missing Link between Institutions, Education, and Development" | |
April 12 | Helios Herrera, Cesar Martinelli |
"Oligarchy, Democracy, and State Capacity" | |
March 29 | Irina Khovanskaya |
"A Model of Multipolar Balance of Power" | |
March 15 | Georgy Egorov (Northnestern University) |
"A political model of social evolution" | |
March 1 | Michel Le Breton (University of Toulouse), Shlomo Weber (SMU and New Economic School) |
"Games of social interactions and formation of political alliances" | |
February 1 | A.Panova (Higher School of Economics) |
"The efficiency of a university management structure" |
Fall 2010
Spring 2010
June 15 | Ruben Enikolopov (New Economic School) |
"Elite Capture of Local Institutions: Evidence from a Field Experiment in Afghanistan" | |
June 1 | K.I.Sonin (New Economic School) |
"A political theory of populism" |